6 Most Common Mistakes Made by Women at the Gym

5. Remember to Stretch Before and After Your Workout

Athletes cannot do without stretching before and after their workout sessions. It does not really matter how busy you are. Do not try to save time if you do not want to do harm to your body. Jumping on the equipment once you enter the gym is wrong. Stretching prevents injury and helps your body get ready for workout.

6 Most Common Mistakes Made by Women at the Gym Remember to Stretch Before and After Your Workout

6. Drinking Sufficient Amounts of Water

Keep your body well-hydrated during your workout. Cells need water in order to function right and be more efficient. Without water you give much less than 100 percent to your workout. Sip on water throughout the session and during the entire day. You must not substitute water for various drinks, such as coffee or soda. Water cannot be replaced!

6 Most Common Mistakes Made by Women at the Gym Drinking Sufficient Amounts of Water

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