6 Most Common Mistakes Made by Women at the Gym

3. Trying to Spot Reduce

Professionals know that getting rid of fat on some certain body parts is impossible without full-body exercise. There are no techniques that would burn fat in specific areas only. Even if the upper part of your body is lean and all you want to do is to burn fat in your thighs, you will still need to do exercises that involve your whole body. The more body parts are involved, the more calories and fat you burn.

6 Most Common Mistakes Made by Women at the Gym Trying to Spot Reduce

4. Using Weights That Are Heavy Enough

No chance you will ever have huge muscled arms if you do not take pharmaceuticals. Even those who dream of gaining muscles cannot do it easily. Do not avoid weight lifting. Choose the weights that are not too light. Ladies will never bulk up. Rather, they will become slimmer, trimmer and more toned.

6 Most Common Mistakes Made by Women at the Gym Using Weights That Are Heavy Enough

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