6 Most Common Mistakes Made by Women at the Gym

One can see a lot of people at the gym who are constantly making the same mistakes yet are still hoping they’ll achieve their goals.

Here’s a list of things that may prevent you from getting in better shape:

1. Too Much Cardio

The treadmill is a wonderful device. It can help you lose weight and get slimmer if you know how to use it. The same rule applies to most other cardio equipment that you find at the gym. If you do too much cardio, you lose muscle. Still having fat yet look skinny simply because you have lost lean mass is not the best idea! Combine cardio with strength training. This is how you’ll boost your metabolism and burn fat.

2. Remember That Food Is Fuel!

Food gives energy. You need to eat the right foods before heading to the gym as well as after coming back home. Muscles cannot be built if you do not eat the right amount of protein, fat and carbs. Skipping meals is no option. Eat your meals and help your muscles to recover after your workout session.

6 Most Common Mistakes Made by Women at the Gym Remember That Food Is Fuel