5 Things about Thanksgiving That Will Make You Love this Celebration

There are a few curious facts about Thanksgiving. This celebration is very old, but we are sure that today you will learn a couple of absolutely new things about this holiday.

5 Not Widely Known Facts about Thanksgiving

The last Thursday of November is a special day for most of the American citizens. They celebrate Thanksgiving Day. This holiday has its history and lots of traditions. On this day people express their thanks for all the good things they have.

7 Halloween Ideas That Can Make Your Richer

You can make some extra cash whenever and wherever you want. During holidays you can also make some certain profit.

5 Habits That Make Your Planner More Efficient

Busy people have planners – that’s a useful tool that helps us organize tasks, meetings and various events. Planning your time is an essential part of your successful career. Learn the following five rules and your life will change.

5 Unbelievable Areas Few People Ever Visit

Abandoned places are impressive. They have their own spirit and you feel different around such spots. As more and more people find out about them, we see the level of interest in such places is rising.

6 Dog Breeds Considered the Most Dangerous

Dogs are, without any doubt, animals. They can be rather unpredictable. Avoid the following six dog breeds if you do not want to suffer.

5 Symptoms Typical of People Who Tend to Overschedule Themselves

Life is unbearable if there is no time for fun and rest. Being a disciplined, punctual and responsible person is a nice thing only if you find some balance and do not overschedule yourself. Here are a few signs that indicate whether you are overscheduling yourself or not.

4 Useful Tips for Critical People

It is not easy to be around a critical person. People who criticize tend to see only negatives in others. This ruins relationships at work and home. The tips below might help you change your character.

How Different It Is to Live in a Foreign Country

Each country is unique and living abroad even for a short time can completely change your mindset forever. Foreign lands influence your character and attitude. What could ever be more challenging than becoming part of a new culture?

8 Positive Signs You Keep Developing Rather Than Stagnate

People claim they sometimes feel that they are falling behind while actually they are moving just the right way forward. Your way might differ from your friends’ ways. Other people’s goals are not yours and you should not focus on what they do and how you look in comparison to them.