5 Not Widely Known Facts about Thanksgiving

The last Thursday of November is a special day for most of the American citizens. They celebrate Thanksgiving Day. This holiday has its history and lots of traditions. On this day people express their thanks for all the good things they have.

The celebration involves families, friends and relatives.

1. Thanksgiving is celebrated in space
Our planet is not the only place where Thanksgiving is celebrated. Spacemen also follow this tradition while orbiting the Earth. According to astronauts, Thanksgiving Day in space is celebrated just like it is celebrated on earth. They follow all traditions. Their meal consists of mashed potatoes. They also enjoy smoked turkey and green beans. The crew can enjoy mushrooms too. All of the products are rehydrated and prepared in a special way. Astronauts report that their Thanksgiving dinner is perfect. The only part of the day that they really miss is their families and friends.

2. Can tryptophan make you drowsy?
Some scientists claim that it is normal to feel asleep after consumption of tryptophan. This is an amino acid that makes you relax and feel drowsy. Tryptophan is found in many products. A high content of this acid is found in turkey. Do not worry, it is not dangerous at all to eat turkey. Enjoy your favorite dishes. Expect to feel sleepy only if you consume unusually large amounts of this product. Other foods and drinks that can make you feel drowsy are wine and fatty dishes.

5 Not Widely Known Facts about Thanksgiving Can tryptophan make you drowsy

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