6 Tips to Teach You to Say No Instead of Yes

5. Say ‘no’ in a polite and kind way
You will be better understood by people if you express your thoughts with transparency and kindness. Communication matters a lot and we often can say ‘no’ in a way that will not offend or disappoint the person who sends you a request. Never ignore requests because if you do not pay attention to people who ask for help, advice or assistance, you will insult them. Do not ruin good relationships, contacts and friendships. Be polite and very kind when you say ‘no’. Explain why you cannot do this or that. Do not make empty promises and tell the person that you would hate to let them down by not keeping it in case you do not manage to accomplish the task.

6 Tips to Teach You to Say No Instead of Yes Say no in a polite and kind way

6. Your ‘no’ can be modified
Modify your ‘no’ and consider how to use it. For example, your answer to a person’s request can be negative even if you say ‘yes, however…’. You will then let the person know that you do not guarantee a 100% success and that they should not completely rely on you. Your ‘no’ is modified. Instead of a simple ‘no’ you say ‘yes but…’ which means you are not ready to be fully responsible for the final result.

6 Tips to Teach You to Say No Instead of Yes Your no can be modified

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