6 Tips to Teach You to Say No Instead of Yes

Transform your personality and your life will transform too. You will start experiencing new emotions and events if you learn to say ‘no when it is needed. Saying ‘yes’ all the time is not a must. You weren’t born to make everyone else happy. Your life belongs to you.

1. What does your obligation detector show
You obligation meter needs fixing if you say ‘yes’ when you should say ‘no’. There are some certain things you must do, but some things you do are not your responsibility. Learn to identify what is important and cannot be put aside and the stuff that can wait. Take better care of your desires and needs and let others understand that your time is precious and tell them that they should respect that.

2. Missing out is not a tragedy at all
Resist the fear of FOMO. You should fight your fears and phobias. They won’t let you feel free. One of the most common fears is the fear of missing out. And you may be suffering from this habit without realizing that you have it. FOMO may occur at home and work, social and personal life. Make sure that you say ‘yes’ at work because personally you need and want it. If you do it to satisfy your employer or colleague, then this is just your fear.

6 Tips to Teach You to Say No Instead of Yes Missing out is not a tragedy at all