6 Things to Do When Dealing with Someone You Dislike

5. Focus on yourself 

Concentrate on yourself. Now it’s time you turned inwards and see what can be changed. Be yourself and admit the fact that sooner or later there will be a person who’ll try to get under your skin. Control your negative emotions and cultivate the traits that you take pride in. Once you learn how to deal with yourself, you’ll be good at dealing with others. It’s very probable that the things you hate in others can be found in you, too.

6 Things to Do When Dealing with Someone You Dislike Focus on yourself

6. Make other hear your needs

Do not hesitate to voice your own needs. No need to pretend that you like what others say or do if this is not the case. You have the right to be treated the right way. People have no right to disrespect you or ignore your desires and wishes. Let others know your opinion. Feel free to tell them know how you feel when they repeatedly do the wrong things.

6 Things to Do When Dealing with Someone You Dislike Make other hear your needs

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