6 Things to Do When Dealing with Someone You Dislike

3. You should treat all people with civility

Without some certain level of civility you won’t be able to coexist with other people. Watch your behavior and be polite. Do not let others think that you are an ignorant individual who doesn’t know the most common rules of etiquette. Rudeness is inacceptable even with people whom you do not like.

6 Things to Do When Dealing with Someone You Dislike You should treat all people with civility

4. Let your expectations be realistic

We expect from others too much. We imagine things and believe that the way we imagine them is the right and best way. The fact is that the world does not spin around you. And people will never try to adjust themselves to please you. Stay realistic and do not ask of other what they cannot do. The higher expectations you have the more disappointment it will bring. Accept people without false expectations.

6 Things to Do When Dealing with Someone You Dislike Let your expectations be realistic

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