6 Clear Signs That Your Partner Is True Evil

Pay attention to the red flags. If something looks suspicious, then think well before you start building a new relationship with a person whom you cannot fully trust.

The guy is a hopeless liar
Creating a partnership with a person who lies to you is just a waste of time. Once a cheater – always a cheater. Do not even try to change him. And do not believe the guy if he says it will never repeat again. Respect yourself and do not let anyone make you feel an idiot.

The guy always tries to distort your version of reality
You are a sane person and if you meet someone who is trying to make you believe that you are too blind to see the truth, then you are dealing with someone bad who will only bring negativity into your life. Dump the guy if he says he is the only one who sees reality.

6 Clear Signs That Your Partner Is True Evil The guy always tries to distort your version of reality