The 5 Most Famous Rosy Beaches on the Planet

If you a frequent traveller, then you have already been to numerous golden beaches. Snow white sands might not look unusual either. However, even experienced travellers do not know that there are pink beaches and their beauty is truly stunning. Here is a list of such spots:

1. Barbuda 

You can find a few pink beaches in the Caribbean Sea too. There is a fantastic place between the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. Barbuda has got plenty of beaches. Not all of them are pink, but the ones that we are talking about differ from the rest. The most popular spot is the Pink Beach. You can find it in the southwest. The landscape is truly unbelievable.

2. Indonesia, Komodo

Indonesia is known to consist of more than 17,500 islands. Komodo is one of them. The same name was given to a national park located on the island. This is the only place where you can see the largest lizard on the planet. However, this is not the only reason why people are attracted to the area. The beaches here have an enigmatic pink tint which is quite unusual.

The 5 Most Famous Rosy Beaches on the Planet Indonesia Komodo

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