5 Gorgeous Castle Hotels for Your Next Vacation


Stay at one of the hotels of your dreams. Enjoy your next vacation in a castle transformed and suitable for tourists and visitors abroad as well as locals willing to dive into history.

3. Vastana Manor, Sweden

Vacation in Sweden is always a great idea. The country will never disappoint you since there is so much to do and see. This is where you can see one of the most ancient castles in Sweden. The place is close to J?koping, a very popular district. More than that, there is a wonderful lake called V?ttern nearby. You might not be overly impressed with the surroundings, but the inside of the castle will definitely stay in your memory forever. It has historic art, traditional furniture, beautiful fabrics and much more.

4. Barberstown Castle, County Kildare, Ireland

The castle was created in 13th century. Its main purpose in those days was to protect people from enemies’ attacks and to keep crops and the town safe. The castle has attracted a lot of famous people, such as George Harrison, Mick Jagger and Bob Dylan. Luckily, not only celebrities can enjoy it. You can also purchase one of the vacation packaged offered by agents. The hotel offers all modern conveniences for quite a reasonable price.

5 Gorgeous Castle Hotels for Your Next Vacation Barberstown Castle County Kildare Ireland