5 Bridges That Will Give You The Shivers

David Ryznar / Shutterstock.com

Some bridges attract people. Some don’t. And one of the reasons why a bridge can look unattractive is because of the fear they arouse in us.

1. Millau Viaduct, France

The tallest bridge in the world is currently Millau Viaduct. The structure crosses the Tarn and is located in France, in the Massif Central Mountains. The summit of its mast is over 1,100 feet above the base.

2. Khuiten River bridge, Bayan-Ölgii, Mongolia

Tourists who happen to visit the Altai Mountains can visit a special bridge. It is a short wooden structure built in Bayan-Ölgii, in a relatively short distance from the Chinese border. The bridge is so narrow that it makes it impossible for 2 drivers to cross it simultaneously.

5 Bridges That Will Give You the Shivers Khuiten River bridge Bayan-Ölgii Mongolia
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