5 Simple Ways to Entertain Children While Eating Out

You came from work tired and exhausted. You know your family is hungry and you have to prepare something for dinner.

Maybe it’s just another weekend and you do not feel like wasting it on cooking. Either way, you still have a few options. Some would order a pizza without leaving home, others would rather eat out. Eating out is always fun, especially if you do it with kids. But what else besides their favorite foods can keep them happy and entertained in a restaurant? Here is what you can do:

1. Tell Tall Tales

This game requires only your own imagination. Start a story with a sentence than needs an ending. You say, “It was a nice warm sunny day when the Smiths…” Let your kids add a couple of lines. Continue the game around the table until your story has run its course.

2. Keep Count

Pick objects seen in the restaurant that can be counted. Ask your kids to count how many people are wearing jeans, using their gadgets or having a meal alone.

5 Simple Ways to Entertain Children While Eating Out Keep Count

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