5 Morning Messages to Brighten up His Morning

Texting is fun. It’s pleasant to send lovely texts and it’s not less exciting to receive such messages. Your sms might sound naïve and innocent – that’s even better! Feel free to sound cute and sweet.

3. “The things that you do that make me smile are…”

Make it this message as spicy or innocent as you want! What is it he usually does that makes you smile? It can be the moment when he wakes up or hugs you before leaving for work. It can be something romantic and touching or really cute and na?ve.

5 Morning Messages to Brighten up His Morning The things that you do that make me smile are

4. “I would love you to know that you…”

Open up and let him know what you feel he should know. Let it be something positive and encouraging. He might be a good husband and father, a wonder friend and lover… What is it that you think he should know about himself at the moment?

5 Morning Messages to Brighten up His Morning I would love you to know that you

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