5 Mistakes Women Make That Always Ruin Relationships with Men

3. Stop living your own life

Do not give up your own life. No one needs your sacrifice. On the contrary, you will be less interesting and intriguing for your man if you stop living your own life. You are unique and this is exactly what made your partner fall in love with you. Do not become your man’s shadow. Meet your old friends, communicate with your family, enjoy going to work and make your own money. Do sports and read books – continue doing what you have always loved to do. Keep on moving forward in all spheres of life. Achieve your goals and make your dreams come true.

5 Mistakes Women Make That Always Ruin Relationships with Men Stop living your own life

4. Change yourself

When we have a person whose opinion matters to us, we want to be better. This includes all fields of life: home, career, looks and character. Women adjust to the situation more easily. They are ready to change themselves for their men. If your man asks you to change for him and his request sounds reasonable enough, feel free to change yourself. Think twice if his expectations are too demanding. Do small things but be cautious if the change is really dramatic.

5 Mistakes Women Make That Always Ruin Relationships with Men Change yourself

5. Try to compete with your man

How tempting is it for you to try to overshadow your man? This is a common mistake made by ladies. Love is different from other types of relationships. You can try and be better at work. However, constant competition between you and your man may lead to an awkward situation. Your partner should be your match. Only then can you expect your bond be strong. If your man does not mind you being better than him, he might be using you for your money, contacts, presents, living place, car and other things that make his life more convenient.

5 Mistakes Women Make That Always Ruin Relationships with Men Try to compete with your man

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