3. You’re marrying your money as well.
If your bank accounts are kept separate, it doesn’t mean that you have no financial partnership. Marriage is a financial and economic unit. There are always two people involved. Consult a divorce financial planner if you want to find out more about this matter and ask for professional advice and assistance. Keep in mind that whatever you two earn during the marriage is called marital funds. Those funds can be split up if you decide to get divorced. You’ll have to share both income and debts. You might be forced to share your retirement funds, interest on savings, paychecks, various risks and rewards.
4. Keep records in perfect order.
Nobody plans on getting divorced. We all think that the person we are about to marry will stay with us forever. However, our advice is that you should pay attention to pre-marriage bank statements. If you partner comes into a marriage with $300,000 on his bank account, it is his responsibility to prove that he acquired the money before the marriage. Experts say that it’s also his responsibility to demonstrate that he didn’t add marital funds to that sum. If you do not have the required documentation proving that what you possess belongs to you only, it will be included in your divorce settlement and later shared between the two of you.