Finding an extra hour in the day is hard task to accomplish. We would love to teach you how to make your hours last longer.
1. Dressing fast in the Morning
Are you sick and tired of thinking what to wear the next day? Then follow our tip and you will finally resolve this issue. Your wardrobe is full of clothes yet you keep complaining about not having anything decent to put on. The secret is simple: have three various tops for one bottom and you will never have any problems! As a rule, people remember our tops so change them more often than bottoms. You can have fewer pants and skirts. More than that, you can opt for solid-color clothes since it is easier to combine them with other pieces of clothing and accessories. Finally, choose your tomorrow’s outfit in advance so that you could save your time the next morning.
2. You Can Save Time on E-Mail
The best way to stay focused on your most important tasks is to learn to set other (less essential things) aside. If you are constantly at the desk working on your computer, it is almost impossible to ignore all those messages that you receive to your e-mail box. The problem is that after reading an e-mail message you’ll need another 20 minutes to get back to what you were doing. Multitasking is a stressful practice that leads to memory loss. There is a better option: schedule some time – for example, 15 minutes three times a day – to check out your e-mail box. Remember to turn off alerts, too!