6 Kitchen Scraps That Can Be Turned into a Meal

5. Celery leaves

You can hardly tell the difference between the tastes of celery leaves and their stalks. Actually, the leaves have a more expressive aroma. They are richer in magnesium and calcium. Add the leaves to make salads. Toss some when preparing a stir-fry and use them when you do not have parsley.

6 Kitchen Scraps That Can Be Turned into a Meal Celery leaves

6. Citrus peels

All sorts of citrus fruits have a fragrant skin that can be used in a variety of ways. Citrus rinds are as fragrant as the fruits themselves. The zests of oranges, limes and lemons can be used as an additional seasoning. You can make your cocktails and salad dressings taste a bit more interesting if you put some citrus peel in them. Citrus rinds are natural air fresheners. Finally, you can sprinkle them with salt and clean dirty surfaces in the bathroom or kitchen.

6 Kitchen Scraps That Can Be Turned into a Meal Citrus peels

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