8 Do’s and Don’ts for People Who Wish to Have Beautiful Hair

Healthy hair is silky and smooth. It does not have split ends either. Depending on your hair type, use the right kind of hair products. You’ll need the right sort of shampoo, conditioner, oil and styling products like gel and hair spray.

7. Quit smoking

This decision takes will power rather than time. Some quite smoking instantly while others steadily reduce the amount of cigarettes they smoke per day. If you are a smoker, your hair suffers – it becomes thin, weak, and dull.

8 Dos and Donts for People Who Wish to Have Beautiful Hair Quit smoking

8. Do braids before bedtime

Long hair should not be worn down when you go to bed. Wearing a ponytail at night is no option either. In both instances your hair runs along your pillow. In bed you move your head which causes split ends and breakage. We suggest you should do two braids – a pigtail on each side.

8 Dos and Donts for People Who Wish to Have Beautiful Hair Do braids before bedtime

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