7 Wrong Food Choices after Exercise

3. Fizzy drinks
Your post-workout period might make you feel like grabbing a can of some fizzy drink. Wait a moment and consider a healthier option. Fizzy beverages are out of the question. The only drink you should take with you to the gym is plain water. Sodas are full of sugar. They contain chemicals and additives. Remember that artificial flavors are also put there. Ignore those who claim that diet sodas are great. They might contain zero calories, but the sweeteners that manufacturers use to make the drink taste better are bad for your body.

7 Wrong Food Choices after Exercise Fizzy drinks

4. Energy bars
Remember that energy bars are called so simply because they contain plenty of nutrients that are necessary for an athlete before he starts his workout session. Some of the ingredients that you commonly find in energy bars would be sugar, carbs and some certain components that people need when they are physically active. If you consume an energy bar after your training, then the energy that you get from this snack will stimulate fat production. Instead of burning the calories from it you will store them as fat. Another bad news is that energy bars slow down the metabolic processes if they are eaten after exercise.

7 Wrong Food Choices after Exercise Energy bars

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