7 Most Enjoyable Ways to Stay in Great Shape

5. Hula-hooping
Women want to have a slim waist, nice shape and good figure. One of the most affordable tools for you to create your own perfect body is to do hula-hooping. This exercise tool is not for kids! Nowadays you can find plenty of hoops for adult use with various additional improvements like bumps that massage your body while you spin it.

7 Most Enjoyable Ways to Stay in Great Shape Hula-hooping

6. Rope jumping
That’s the best cardiovascular workout idea. It improves bones and strengthens muscles. It is not easy to do since it requires good coordination. After a few days you will become good at rope jumping. Try this tip out!

7 Most Enjoyable Ways to Stay in Great Shape Rope jumping

7. Skating
People who are not sure whether their joints are strong enough for running and jogging should definitely try skating. Engage in this activity and practice it as often as you wish. We know how effective aerobic workout is so find out where the nearest ice rink is and drop by to do skating. A woman who weighs around 150 pounds would burn approximately 115 calories during 30 minutes of non-stop skating.

7 Most Enjoyable Ways to Stay in Great Shape Skating

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