7 Foods to Help You Look Younger

5. Broccoli

Vegetables are powerful against aging. One of the best rejuvenating vegetables is broccoli. It is rich in Vitamin C. Our skin loves this vitamin since it helps fight wrinkles by developing collagen tissue which, in turns, builds firm and smooth skin. Broccoli should be consumed by people who suffer from dry skin. Thanks to the sulforaphane found in this vegetable you can help your organs to get rid of toxins and boost the production of enzymes.

7 Foods to Help You Look Younger Broccoli

6. Salmon and Tuna

Aging can be delayed. Eat foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. The best source of this type of fat is fish, especially tuna and salmon. EPA (also known as eicosapentaenoic acid) belongs to the omega-3 fatty acids found in the fish. It prevents the breakdown of collagen. It also stops the formation of skin cancer since it has special anti-inflammatory properties.

7 Foods to Help You Look Younger Salmon and Tuna

7. Watermelon 

Watermelon is full of antioxidants. This fruit hydrates the skin and washes out toxins from your body. Your skin becomes clear, clean and glowing. Watermelons have citrulline, an antioxidant that boosts metabolism and maintains the balance in the immune system.

7 Foods to Help You Look Younger Watermelon