7 Foods to Be Consumed Together

3. Strawberries with spinach

This information will be very important for those who follow a vegetarian diet. Vegetarian do not eat meat. They replace this food with other alternatives in order to provide their body with enough iron. The iron found in meat is absorbed more easily. Iron that comes from plants should be accompanied by products that contain lots of vitamin C. The vitamin transforms iron you get from leafy greens into a different form of the element.

7 Foods to Be Consumed Together Strawberries with spinach

4. Greek yogurt with bananas

Strong bones and healthy teeth need calcium. This is one of the most essential minerals to maintain good nerves and muscles. If you consume foods that are rich in calcium with those that contain inulin, you help calcium to be absorbed by your body. Regular inulin consumption improves bone mineral mass. Some of the best foods containing high levels of inulin are onions, wheat and bananas.

7 Foods to Be Consumed Together Greek yogurt with bananas

5. Green tea with lemon

We love green tea for its antioxidants. One of them is called catechin. Green tea fights diseases and boosts up your metabolic processes. If you’ve been trying to get used to the hint of bitterness in the beverage and still find it unpleasant, you can use a slice of lemon. Not only will you not taste the bitterness, you will also increase your abilities to absorb the antioxidants.

7 Foods to Be Consumed Together Green tea with lemon