5 Foods We Eat without Realizing How Unhealthy They Are

3. Yogurt-Covered Pretzels

As we know, dairy products do not last long and need to be refrigerated. Yogurt is one of such foods. But that’s only if it is natural and plain. If we are talking about snacks that are covered with yogurt, then the story is different. Isn’t it strange that yogurt-covered nuts, pretzels and raisins do not need a fridge? Now take a look at the label and see what ingredients your snack contains. You’ll probably see words like “yogurt powder”, “hydrogenated” and “milk powder”. Do not let manufacturers mislead you – “powder” does not equal “natural”. Besides, all those yogurt coatings have lots of sugar in them.

5 Foods We Eat without Realizing How Unhealthy They Are Yogurt-Covered Pretzels

4. Energy Bars and Protein Bars

If you are not a professional athlete, stay away from energy bars. Protein bars as well as energy bars are similar to sports drinks in a way. People who do sports for pleasure do not need too many calories and extra protein. Your goal is to maintain good health rather than gain muscle mass or increase performance. Professional sportsmen can sometimes need to consume up to 6,000 calories per day to improve their results and endurance. This is their job. For you sport is not an occupation so eat whole foods and cook your meals. If you include energy bar to your current menu, you’ll just gain weight since you’ll consume too many calories.

5 Foods We Eat without Realizing How Unhealthy They Are Energy Bars and Protein Bars

5. Fiber Bars and Fiber Brownies

Now that you’ve found out the truth about energy and protein bars, you’ll understand why fiber bars and fiber brownies are not for you. All of these foods are full of unwanted ingredients. They do contain fiber, but the fiber you find in such products comes from tasteless plants. Opt for fiber from vegetables and whole grains. More than that, fiber bars and brownies contain artificial flavors, lots of sugar and undesirable oils.

5 Foods We Eat without Realizing How Unhealthy They Are Fiber Bars and Fiber Brownies

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