5 Exercises to Make Your Body Perfect for a Special Event

The best way to keep in shape is to exercise on a regular basis. However, not all of us have a strong will power. Luckily, there are a few moves you can learn and practice to get ready for a special event.

3. You’ll need 2 dumbbells for this move. With widely straddled legs stand straight. Keep your arms in front with the weights in them. Bend the elbows at 90 degrees. Now squat into a side lunge on the left leg. Smoothly shift into a similar lunge on the opposite side. Stand up and get back to center. Finally, repeat the move in the opposite direction.

5 Exercises to Make Your Body Perfect for a Special Event You need 2 dumbbells for this move

4. Walking can be transformed into stepping. Do this move outside or inside. It is effective and simple: step onto a low chair with your right foot and bring the left knee into your chest. Quickly step down. Now repeat the move with the other foot.

5 Exercises to Make Your Body Perfect for a Special Event Walking can be transformed into stepping

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