10 Healthiest Products for Each Decade

Time flies and each year you are growing older. It does not mean that you are getting less healthy. On the contrary, you can significantly improve your health if you include the following products in your menu.

What should people eat in their 30’s?


When you are 30 years or older, you may need to increase the intake of folate. This element is necessary for pregnant ladies who are willing to give birth to a healthy baby. Folate is found in black beans, leafy greens, nuts, asparagus and avocado.

10 Healthiest Products for Each Decade Beans

Flax Seeds

These seeds lack flavor, of course. Nevertheless, we do recommend you should include them in your daily menu. Prepare smoothies and add some flax seeds or eat your green salads with them. Flax seeds are full of omega-3 fatty acids and that’s exactly what you need to protect your joints. If flax seeds do not taste good enough for you, replace them with chia seeds or sunflower seeds.

10 Healthiest Products for Each Decade Flax Seeds