Are you planning on purchasing a new designer handbag? If it is your first designer bag, be cautious – there are too many fakes on the market.
Here are the things you should learn:
1. First of all you should see and understand the difference between a genuine bag and a fake. Be informed and you will be able to avoid counterfeiters. Designers that are well-known make genuine bags that are original. Your bag can be created by a less famous company. However, you should mainly be focused on luxurious goods. If you want to own something special, pay attention to attachments, charms, logo and stuff. All of these have their special places on the bag and numbers. Marks, signatures, tags and other features should be present. They prove the identity and where the bag comes from. Price for a luxurious handbag varies and cannot be low since you are paying for the label, name and brand.
2. Be wise and know the places where real designer handbags are sold. All famous brands have their own stores. Some have the same name as the brand. In some instances designer handbags can be sold in a quality store or a boutique or a luxury department. The people who are selling bags should know it all about the quality, pedigree and guarantees. Be cautious if someone is trying to sell designer bags at a flea market. Be suspicious of street vendors. Street vendors are not authorized to sell designer purses or bags. Finding a cheap designer purse at a flea market is close to impossible yet it sometimes happens.