What products have more iron than beef? Actually, there are such foods. They are relatively affordable. All of them are delicious and you can make dozens of dishes with them.
Besides red meat, you can find other sources of iron. Bear in mind, though, that plant-based iron is not as easily absorbed by the body as that found in animal foods. To increase the benefit of this mineral from plants, we suggest you should consume it with products that are rich in vitamin C.
1. Oysters
Approximately 8 mg of iron is found in 12 oysters. That makes 44% DV. Half of that amount is enough to satisfy your daily requirement of mineral called zinc.
2. Spinach
One cup of cooked spinach gives you 6 mg of iron. It is around 35% DV. This amount of spinach is enough to get your daily requirement for calcium. Additionally, you’ll provide your body with a whole day’s value of vitamin A.