Not everyone knows that beer has special properties that improve your health. However, the beverage can make you healthier in the following five ways:
1. Beer protects against Alzheimer’s disease
This form of dementia can be prevented in a variety of ways. It has been proved that drinking beer moderately can help you protect your body against this health issue. Studies have demonstrated that beer fans are almost 25% less likely to develop various types of dementia. Beer is reported to contain silicon – a compound that protects the cerebrum from the harmful effects of aluminum. The latter is one of the possible reasons why people suffer from Alzheimer’s.
2. Beer prevents kidney stones
Finnish researchers have established that beer consumed in moderation can lower the risk of developing stones in the kidneys by approximately 40 per cent. The explanation is very simple: beer contains 93% of water. H2O helps keep the kidneys working properly. It also flushes dangerous toxins out of your body. Hops are used in brewing beer. This plant slows the release of calcium in the body which stops calcium from building up in the kidneys.