Best Foods for Healthy Locks

You can avoid hair loss. More than that, you can make your hair stronger than ever before. Simply improve your menu and include the following foods:

3. Greek Yogurt

Protein is the building block of your hair. One of the best products that can provide your body with sufficient amount of protein is yogurt. Opt for Greek yogurt since it contains a special ingredient that helps the blood to deliver all necessary nutrients to your scalp. The ingredient is known as pantothenic acid (also called vitamin B). This element makes your hair thicker and stronger.

Best Foods for Healthy Locks Greek Yogurt

4. Shiitake Mushrooms

It is known that shiitake mushrooms contain copper. This element helps your hair maintain its natural color. Scientists have done research during which they found out that low copper intake may lead to premature graying. The recommended amount of copper is 1.5 mg per day. You need a cup of cooked shiitake mushrooms to provide that norm. If shiitake mushrooms are not available or you simply do not like the taste, you can replace the food with sesame seeds or seaweed.

Best Foods for Healthy Locks Shiitake Mushrooms

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