7 Lies about Food Even the Most Intelligent People Believe

We cannot survive without food. Whether you are on a diet or not, you still consume products. The quality of the foods and drinks you consume may change the quality of your whole life whether for the better or for worse.

5. Eating bread causes bloating
We should admit that there are plenty of people who are sensitive to wheat. They do suffer from bloating after eating products that contain wheat. Some avoid products that have gluten since their reaction to this component is very negative. The truth is that the number of people with wheat allergy is very low. Unfortunately, it is impossible to scientifically test whether you are sensitive to wheat.

7 Lies about Food Even the Most Intelligent People Believe Eating bread causes bloating

6. Eating raw foods are great – they are full of enzymes which maintain good digestion
Do not believe absolutely everything you hear or read about the importance of raw foods. There are a lot of benefits, no doubt. But you do not need to make it your obsession. Include your favorite raw products and enjoy them during each meal if that’s what makes you feel better, but do not think that without raw foods other foods won’t get digested by your body. The true fact is that you can survive without enzymes. The human body is different from that of plants (that survive thanks to enzymes alone). People maintain their digestive system in an absolutely different way.

7 Lies about Food Even the Most Intelligent People Believe Eating raw foods are great they are full of enzymes which maintain good digestion

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