7 Lies about Food Even the Most Intelligent People Believe

We cannot survive without food. Whether you are on a diet or not, you still consume products. The quality of the foods and drinks you consume may change the quality of your whole life whether for the better or for worse.

3. Saturated fat leads to high level of cholesterol and causes heart diseases
Nutrients do not bother us as much as fats. This topic probably makes all of us feel alert and cautious. Experts claim that the first thing you should do to improve your health is to reduce the amount of saturated fat that you consume. They claim that saturated fat increases the level of cholesterol. And when your cholesterol is too high, it may cause heart diseases. It has been revealed that the situation is different and that foods that are rich in cholesterol do not ruin your cardiovascular system and heart.

7 Lies about Food Even the Most Intelligent People Believe Saturated fat leads to high level of cholesterol and causes heart diseases

4. Foods rich in carbohydrates make you obese
If we are taking about carbohydrates, then what you need to pay attention to is the portion sizes of the foods that you eat. You can hardly become obese by consuming complex carbs. However, obesity will surely become your issue if you are addicted to simple carbohydrates. Opt for foods that contain fiber rather than pure sugar. Instead of candies eat fruit and eat oats and brown rice instead of white bread. Choose foods with a lower GI and you will be healthy.

7 Lies about Food Even the Most Intelligent People Believe Foods rich in carbohydrates make you obese

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