5 Smart Fitness Tips and Hints for Night Owls

What does your day start with? We think that if you begin your routine with some physical activity, the rest of the day will be much more productive. We are sure that night owls will just love the following five exercises:

3. Foam rolling

We know what can reduce your muscle pain in the morning. There are a few options for you to choose from. First, you can try out a massage therapy. Another way to reduce the discomfort and tension is by exercising with a foam roller. You will be surprised to see how effective this method is. Think of your own exercises or use the tool when doing push-ups, squats, planks and rollouts.

5 Smart Fitness Tips and Hints for Night Owls Foam rolling

4. Squats

Where you do squats does not matter at all. What matters is how anatomically correctly your squats are performed. Practice them outside or inside – the effect will be wonderful anyways. You will tone up your whole body and strengthen your muscles. You can load a backpack with a couple of heavy items (a bottle of water, books, etc.) to make the exercise more challenging. There are a lot of variants of this activity. Try them all out and work out every morning.

5 Smart Fitness Tips and Hints for Night Owls Squats

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