Differences between Real Designer Bags and Fakes

Are you planning on purchasing a new designer handbag? If it is your first designer bag, be cautious – there are too many fakes on the market.

5. Knockoff and fake handbags have some certain signs. If you notice them, it means that you are looking at a fake. First of all, pay attention to the quality of the stitching. A designer handbag cannot have uneven, slanted and sloppy stitching. It is only typical of poorly made items and luxury brands would never let low quality products be sold to their customers. Next, you should check the labels and tags. Inside tags are either hand-stitched or stamped into leather. Copies or fakes do not have brand names on the inside tags. Outside tags are also important – authenticity labels should be visible on the outside, too.

Differences between Real Designer Bags and Fakes Knockoff and fake handbags have some certain signs
Antonio Gravante / Shutterstock.com

6. Find out who made the zippers. The manufacturer matters a lot. See the underside of the zippers – you should see a logo there. Most brands use the same zipper manufacturers on all of their items and choose only famous producers.

Differences between Real Designer Bags and Fakes Find out who made the zippers

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